Saturday, March 31, 2007

Mark Joyner Simpleology Book

Book Review: simple∙ology: The Simple Science of Getting What You Want by Mark Joyner

Most of the print books coming out these days are just repackaged rehashed attempts at making an author rich on old ideas.

But every now and then a book comes out that is genuinely fresh. So fresh in fact that it gives everyone a new perspective on the world. You might even think, "How did I get by without knowing that?"

The Tipping Point was one such book.

Influence, was another.

Mark Joyner's new book is, too - but even more so.

Pretty bold claim, but once you see it you'll understand.

Mark has cut right to the core of some vitally important topics we all need to know today. In fact, this is stuff you should have learned in grade school, but never did.

Here are what a few others are saying:

"... should be the first book you read."
Vincent James, 32 year old who has done over $100 million in sales

"Shocking! It's dynamite for your brain!"
Dr. Joe Vitale, author of "The Attractor Factor"

"... a book that will spark excitement and controversy in millions ..."
Dr. Kevin Hogan, author of "Covert Persuasion"

"... will turn you into a powerful goal-achieving monster."
Joe Sugarman, Chairman, BluBlocker Corporation

"Remarkable, timely, courageous ... an essential guide for life."
Richard Webster, author of over 95 books

"Can something so profound, deep and life-impacting really be so SIMPLE?"
Dr. Man Sivasubramanian

"... immediately tripled my production."
Frank Rumbauskas, NY Times Best-Selling Author of "Never Cold-Call Again"

Can a book be that good?

Well, if it's a tenth as good as the video "trailer" for the book and the 44 page sample I just read, then the answer is probably "yes."

This is not "standard Mark Joyner" stuff here. He has taken a totally new, very surprising, direction and frankly I'm quite pleased.

Mark Joyner's new book, "Simpleology - The Simple Science of Getting What You Want" is set to be released at 12pm EST on March 30th, 2007.

Click Here to Get Your Copy and a Ton of Bonuses!

...Plus, there are a ton of great bonuses you'll get for purchasing. In fact, you'll get some cool stuff shipped to your door gratis!

But don't buy the book for that ... Buy the book because it's a great book you should have everyone in your family read.

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